Sunday, May 24, 2009


I know, I know, it's been awhile again since I've written anything. It's kind of sad, oh well, at least I am now. Things here are ok, it's tight, but hopefully things at RC Willey will pick up soon. I'm starting to look for a part time job, I'm excited but nervous. I think it will be a lot of fun to get out and be around people in a professional setting. I'm looking for morning part time because Randy is home in the mornings so we hopefully wouldn't need a babysitter. I think if I could work for about a year it would really help us get out of debt. What an awesome feeling that would be!! Well, not much else is going on, just life. The kids continue to change sooo much!! Zoe is starting to say more words, so far these are some of the words she is saying: Mom, Dad, Hailey, Katie, Zoe, eye, I, love, you, bye, hi, amen, oh boy, oh man, I think that's about all. But she also gibbers, so if you ask her a question she starts gibbering like she's answering you. It's very cute!! Katie has been a little more difficult to deal with lately. Since Tuesday she has had at the very least two accidents a day and on Saturday I finally put her in pull ups because I can't handle any more pee on the carpets. I don't know if it's just a little phase she's going through, or if it's the start of another infection. I haven't been giving her her antibiotics because I haven't called to get her prescription refilled. She hasn't had a fever, or any other symptoms, so I guess we'll see. She has also learned how to push Zoe's buttons, and boy does she ever push them!! There are times where I wish I could put Katie in a cage, but then she can also be the cutest little thing ever!! Her facial expressions crack me up, sometimes she's not really saying anything funny, but it's just the way she says it and the facial expressions she makes. It cracks me up! I love all my kids so much, I just wish I didn't get so impatient with them. It's definitely something that I need to work on, it's just not always easy. I need to work on myself quite a bit, but hopefully I'm not alone. Well, now that I've dragged on and on, I'll finish this post, so until next time....bye!

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