Friday, May 29, 2009

Crazy Couple of Days

So Tuesday night Katie woke up with a fever and all day Wednesday she had one and a headache as well. Then before going to bed Wednesday night her fever finally broke. Then at midnight she woke up screaming. We're kind of used to this with Katie, every once in a while she'll wake up screaming, we have to go in and calm her down and either she'll lay down with us for a while or she'll go back to sleep in her own bed. Well Wednesday night was different, she kept screaming, even while we were holding her that there were spiders. She was really hot and her fever was around 102 degrees. She would scream and say they were on her legs, or hands or that they were on us. We called our home teacher at around 12:30 am and asked him to come help give her a blessing, we didn't know what else to do. We finally were able to calm her down, but she had to lay down on top of me and any time I moved my hands I had to calm her down and let her know it was just me. Finally we went back up to our bed about 2:00 in the morning and we were able to finally fall back to sleep. Later in the night Randy put her back in her bed, and she woke up screaming again. She then spent the rest of the night in our bed. So we took her to the doctor on Thursday and he said it looked like she had the beginning of an ear infection. We asked him about the previous night if he thought perhaps she was hallucinating, he said it could have been induced by the fever. Thankfully last night she slept well, except she woke up to throw up. What a crazy couple of nights. Hopefully we're on our way to full recovery, she had an ear infection at the beginning of this month too. I sure hope we're done for a while after this one. Other than that not much is going on with us, I'm still looking for a job, hopefully I'll be able to find one soon, also, we are trying to find a good home for our pet guinea pig Rosie. I am allergic to hay and at times when I hold her it makes my arms and neck red and itchy. So, it's very hard to want to hold her or give her any hay which is really good for them. So if anyone wants a pet guinea pig, she is a very pretty animal (at least I think so). She's very fun to hold, and will for the most part just sit there. Now that I've put that little plug in there, I suppose I'm done with this post. Thanks for reading!!

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