Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Ok people, this is really ridiculous, but I am terrified to send Hailey to Kindergarten. I don't know why. We finally registered her yesterday and last night I was looking through the papers that they gave us and it seriously made me want to cry. I almost felt sick to my stomach. I don't know why I have so much anxiety over sending her to school. I know she'll absolutely LOVE it!! She loves being around kids and I think she really enjoys learning. It just scares me to send her to that big huge building. I also remember grade school and kids can be so mean! If I really think about it though, school wasn't that bad for me, but sometimes kids were just so mean. I have no idea why I'm so nervous, I don't really worry about anything serious happening to her and if it did, I know with proper actions Hailey would be just fine. We all went through school and somehow we managed to make it out alive. Maybe it's just a fear of the unknown, and once she goes it will be just fine. I have no idea what it is. Randy isn't freaked out at all, in some ways I wish I could be like him. I think I go a little overboard with protectiveness though. Randy plans on just dropping her off outside the door and letting her find her own way in to her class (after the first week and she knows where it is) me on the other hand? I'll probably walk her to her class all the time! I worry about her getting lost and stuff, I know she won't, but it scares me. If I had it my way I'd go with her to school and watch over her all the time. I know that's ridiculous and that her teacher will be there the entire time. She'll be fine, and so will I! I'm just freaking out. Hopefully I'm not alone, but knowing me I probably am. Oh well. I'm sure she'll be fine. Here's to the first year of Kindergarten!


Alene Larsen said...

You are definitely not the only parent who feels this way. Since I teach kindergarten, I get to deal with the parents sending their little ones to school for the first time. You'll probably feel just fine after the first day or two when she comes home all excited about her new experiences. Plus, I don't know if you are available, but it might help you feel better if you volunteer to help in her class. Anyway, good luck with your daughter's first day of school!

weslies family said...

so i guess you aren't scared for her to go to kindergarten? :) jk you will be okay and she will LOVE IT!!!! just relax and know she will have a great year!