Monday, July 14, 2008

One of those days!!

So Saturday was one of those days where I would have gladly given Katie to someone else for the day. Everytime I turned around she was into something else. She came into the living room and was rubbing something into her hands, and I could see something around her mouth. Now, I don't understand this at all but she loves lotion, not only putting it on, but she eats it. I know, disgusting, hopefully this is a phase she'll grow out of. Anyway, I asked her what she had and she told me it was lotion, well, I could smell it and it only took me a minute to figure out that it was Desitin. So I quickly ran into her room and I found this:

Then after I took this into our room to clean, I found another toy covered in Desitin. The next thing she did was take the strawberry syrup lid off and was eating it, she had strawberry syrup all down her shirt and some on the floor. Then she spilled water all over the highchair tray. I was so ready for bed time that night. Oh yes, I forgot the last thing I found out she did. I found the teething tablets and we used to have three quarters of them left, and now we only have a quarter left. When I asked Hailey if she ate them she said, "No, Katie did." So I asked Katie if she ate them and she said she did. At least she was honest about it. I was so tired and frustrated. Oh well, I guess that's what you get with a two year old. I just don't remember this phase, I'm sure that Hailey when through the same phase, I just don't remember. I guess it balances itself out, because one minute you're ready to put them in a room for the rest of their lives and the next they melt your heart. I guess that's kids for you!


sweetmama.heather said...

Do you remember when Hannah and Hailey got into the Desitin and had it all over each other? That was pretty funny at least now looking back at it.... Fun times eh? I don't miss those days for sure...

Unknown said...

hehe, Katie is funny. I can just see her face now when she told you she did eat all the tablets lol.